Our staff has worked and done business in many countries, whether in Europe, Asia, North or South America and of course Australia/New Zealand. At BV Consulting we know how important the understanding of the local culture is for the success of a development and we carefully design our work to suit local needs and customs.
BV Consulting is based in Germany but in today's modern world we can assist you wherever you want us to. A lot of the work can be done from our base in Australia with only limited requirements for site inspections. So why not utilise time-zones and get us to work for you while you rest, why not utilise our experience in many countries around the world to go there and perform energy audits, assist you with your project development or undertake a due diligence site inspection.
Please have a look at the map showing the areas we've been active in the past.
At BV Consulting we also speak foreign languages such as German and Japanese. We are equipped with state-of-the art communication and IT technology and we are confident about our ability to provide you with the best possible service, whereever you are and you want us to be.